On days, when the business end of my creative life becomes so routine and overwhelms me, I get back to the basics; the why I do what I do. I realize that it's important to me to say it out loud, so that I'm accountable to myself. "I make art because it allows me to remain centered and grounded in my reality, no one else's. I realize, I love facilitating art journaling and other creative related workshops for women because learning how to remain centered and grounded is something that I am passionate about. In these workshops, making good art is not required. In fact, focusing on “making good art” rather than just creating art can really ... Continue Reading »
Art Journals
Queen of My Soul…
Sometimes music lifts us up. Sometimes it haunts us. Sometimes the elusive melody takes our hearts to a place where the answer is just out of reach ... a swirling mystery. What music can you hear playing from these pages? From My Wildly Passionate Creative Soul To Yours In Peace. ... Continue Reading »
Exploring My Truth…
I've been reading, Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find ourselves and Transform Our World, by Carol S. Pearson. This book adds to the work of Joseph Campbell by expanding on the Mythic Heroes Quest, and giving one more tools to explore your true self. This book guides you in exploring the archetypes that live within each of us. It outlines the twelve different archetypes and explains both their strengths and shadow sides. Great reading as, I cozy up to avoid the cold and icy conditions that winter brings. Books like this help me to think, inspire me and hopefully strengthen my self-growth. Here are some thoughts ... Continue Reading »
Wisdom Seeking…
All too often we doubt our self, our intuition, our own internal wisdom. We tend to think someone else will have the answers – and seek advice from friends, family, experts or gurus. It’s so easy to just assume that we don’t know the next step or the right answer. But we do. I'm not saying we shouldn't trust others or not seek them out, but often we have the answer within us. I've found that my real wisdom often, comes from deep inside. It's a mix of my experiences and knowledge that I've gained throughout my life. It’s hasn't always been easy to trust it – in fact, it is much easier to look for answers outside of ourselves. Often ... Continue Reading »
Thought Imagery…
I love the practice of turning my thoughts around. I turned them upside down and inside out really looking for my truth in them. It is my process of questioning myself. I do this in meditation, but more often than not, I explore this through my art journals. Writing, sketching, and collaging my way to new insights through this process. Working with imagery uses a different part of my brain, guiding me to use my intuitive knowledge, which coupled with words, makes a big impact on my psyche. I don't propose to be a great philosopher or great thinker, but I know the mechanics of how my brain works, so that where I get my results, through ... Continue Reading »
Art Journal Pages…
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." - Joseph Campbell When a cold and rainy day gives you nothing, sometimes it's better to color your day the way you want! It was a cold and blustery day in the Studio Nookery, but it never stops me from creating. What motivates you on blah days? From my wildly passionate creative soul to yours in peace. ... Continue Reading »
End To Begin …
It isn't often that a blogging day coincides with the end of an art journal. It's either the week before or the week after. This week it has occurred at the same time. This art journal began on September 23 and ended October 21. Today gives me a chance to go back and look through this art journal and see what I've accomplished. No matter where I am emotionally, this process gives me a sense of satisfaction. I completed something that I started and it is a strong visual, to the fact that everything has an ending. Wouldn't it be lovely if all endings were so bittersweet? But even at my most idealist high, I'm aware that many endings are ... Continue Reading »