With this time of the year, it's often challenging to find time and even when I do, it is limited. I have always managed to art journal, but I'm finding it hard to work on anything besides that! I have times when I'm creatively blocked and this looks like one of those times. For a professional artist, a creative block is not just frustrating; it’s potentially career-damaging. When you rely on your creativity to pay the bills and build your reputation, you can’t afford to be short of ideas or the energy to put them into action! A "creative block" is the inability to access one's flowing stream of inspiration and creativity. What was once an ... Continue Reading »
News & Updates
Workshop Magic…
There is an advantage to a one-on-one workshop with an artist at their studio. You get the attention you need especially, if it's a whole new process you're learning. You get your answers quickly and on the spot and it takes your creativity up a whole other notch! I've been creating more elaborate art journals and falling more and more in love with book art and the making of books. I wanted to take my work to another level. I am always drawn to adding pieces to my paintings and book art, so imagine how thrilled I was to find out about Leslie Marsh and her work. Leslie was featured in many books, magazines and she has been creating books ... Continue Reading »
Walking in Nature’s Inspiration
I love painting faces. I never get tired of it, and I'll never run out of faces! Yet, for inspiration I go to nature, I'm not sure why that is, but in order for me to set the mood or get out of a funk or creative block, nature is always my go-to. Seeing a feather on my path, the sweet breeze from the trees and the sensual sounds of a stream, all of it can be had in nature; it also puts us in touch with divinity. Our job is to recognize the signs as they come and honor them with an inner glow and inspired action. When we do this we meet our divinity. Our souls has magical ways of getting our attention. I've been reflecting on so many ... Continue Reading »
50+ and growing pains…
Isn't there a saying about "teaching an old dog, new tricks or there's no fool, like an old fool"...with saying like these who wants to admit they're still learning about themselves after 50?! Maybe that's why many of us pretend that we have it all together. Well, I know, I don't have it all together, and I'm not pretending to either! My art still teaches me more about myself daily. I've just completed one of two recent commissions. This painting was a challenge on many levels: Self-imposed time constraints I don't usually do pet portraits my perfectionist nature and my lack of experience in pet portraits had my critical self (aka ... Continue Reading »
Creativity Snapshots
January always has me filled with energy and inspiration! On days, like this, I have so little to say, but my hands and mind are moving full speed ahead. I've decided to give you a few snap shots of what's I've been working on (some 3-D magic)in my Studio Nookery! Hope this sparks your creative energy in you or just bask in your brand of beauty. Please feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts on your January creative energy and come back and check for my responses. See you next week! :) ... Continue Reading »
Very Inspiring Blog Award!
Wow! I am happily honored and excited! The wonderful Becky in Burma, an amazing blogger and world traveler nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Super Thanks Becky. These are the Rules for Accepting the Very Inspiring Blogger Award Display the award logo on your blog. Link back to the person who nominated you. State 7 things about yourself. (see below) Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them. (see below) Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements. Seven Things About Me (since I can't count, I did Ten Things) I was born on New Year's Day! I love World Music and I ... Continue Reading »
2012 Review and 2013 Intent
I cannot believe that today is the last day of 2012. The expression "the days are long, but the years are short" speak volumes to me! 2012 Review So many bloggers are doing their year-end reviews and posting the highlights of the year, which is great. But, I've posted my highlights during the year (if you're interested, you can look through the blog posts for 2012). I've accomplished a lot and fulfilled many of the goals I set at the beginning of 2012. I've recorded my highlights in my blog posts and in my journals. So here is a snap shot of my daily accomplishments for 2012! For 2013, I know that I want to soar, to fly beyond ... Continue Reading »