After a busy work week and plenty of snow to shovel, it’s nice to surrender to the weekend!
For me that’s spending family time together and reading. This weekend it will be a fantasy novel. Ahhhh…to surrender to a peaceful weekend….Peace
Title: “Serene Mermaid” -Size: 11″x5.5” – Media: Mixed
Vicki Smith said
I couldn't agree more and I hope that we have a respite on the snow for a while!
psychopooch said
That's the kind of weekend I'd like to surrender to 🙂
angels said
Beautiful colors. I join your desire… in peace we can do all we love… Have a nice weekend!!
And thanks for your comment!
stusio lolo said
Wonderful mermaid to convey the peace you're seeking!
This is my second winter back in New England. I'm ready for daffodils now 😉
Penelope P. Neal said
Surrender away! Yes, this snow is getting rather burdensome, and I'd say humbling—We have no control. So, I agree surrender and enjoy the fantasy novel. Love you work, by the way! Color's spectacular! And thank you for commenting on my blog! I love IF and the wonderful artist is has shown me, not to mention the support it provides. I never know if folks get my responses so I try ti visit everyone who supports my work and send out a big ol' thanks. Many thank yous!!
Mindful Drawing said
Drawing wavy hair of a mermaid…while you have your feet in the deep snow.
Wish you a great weekend.
TMartin said
I really like the idea of surrendering to the weekend too. I'm doing it myself. I really like the vibrant colors in this painting.
jack foster said
beautiful! Great colors Indigene! Enjoy this weekend!
Nancy Lefko said
Sounds like a perfect weekend….and beautiful artwork! Thanks for your sweet "tweet" about my article 🙂
Sharon Wagner said
I surrender to the deep blue ocean. And any big octos that might come my way. If I was a mermaid that is.
Tomas said
It looks so nice, full of movement.
Curious Art said
Love that shock of green floaty hair!!
Sue Pownall said
This is a lovely image Indigene.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Richard Ewing said
It is so nice when the opportunity to surrender to a novel… add to the mix, hot coffee and a fireplace and I've fully capitualted!
Nice rhythm in the art.
Cheryl said
Serene yet passionate. Beautiful.
@ObsessCreative said
Lovely, vibrant colors. A far cry from the snow! Thanks for your nice comment too!
Claudia said
hi, beautiful colors. I hope you fully surrendered to the weekend. You certainly had the perfect plans.
Mike said
Wish it was the weekend right now! Thanks for the comment too.
Abby said
Wonderful! I love the bold colors. What a great idea to "surrender" to a nice weekend.
Ashley May said
I love the nice rich colors in this!
Janet said
Ahh and almost the weekend again for me after a hectic week, i can really relate to your illustration
nancy said
So trrue, it sounds perfect! A mermaid to fit the fantasy novel – I really like the vibrating colour. And her hair. 🙂
krista hamrick said
Lovely colors!